Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ten Year Old Starting Petition to Change Helmet Law

Boise, Idaho -- A motorcycle accident took the life of a Boise man last week and now his 10-year old daughter is on a campaign to change Idaho's helmet law. The Chapman Family says their father and husband would be enjoying his daily routine today had he been wearing head protection. Emily Chapman is now adamant about requiring bikers to wear helmets, so she's starting a petition drive to try and change state law. "They had to do more operations to stop the swelling, they had to open up his head," said Julie Chapman, who lost her husband in the motorcycle accident. Julie describes how they tried to save her 43-year-old husband, Shane, this past weekend.She says Shane was riding his motorcycle last Thursday night on Fairview, east of Maple Grove.
Boise Police confirm a car pulled out of the Pop-eye's Fried Chicken parking lot trying to turn left when Shane was approaching. "When she pulled out, he lost control, trying not to run into her. He flipped as he tried to lay down the bike and it catapulted him," said Julie. Shane was not wearing a helmet. The Chapman's say he died from massive trauma to the brain. Married for 15 years, Julie now has to make funeral arrangements and tell her youngest the devastating news. "Katy is only 4. She doesn't understand where her dad is, she'll never know her dad," said Julie. Emily, 10, is starting a petition to change the current Idaho law requiring bikers to wear helmets. "I'm going to send it in to the governor and see what he does. If it doesn't work, I'll keep doing it," said Emily.

Read the rest of the story.

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