Saturday, December 29, 2007

And So This Was Christmas

I have some free time and some catching up to do on this blog so I'm going to rapid fire some posts here.


For 2008 we'll be changing up our Blog a little. Well, a lot actually. We're going to open it up to non-Supermoto stuff, as well as Supermoto stuff of course. In a nutshell, this will just give the blog more to blog about and expand things to sport bike, adventure bike and any other category that catches our eye, whether motorcycle related or not. So, the Supermoto Blog is now the Motostrano blog.


Christmas 2007 came and went in a puff of smoke. In terms of overall operations and execution for Motostrano- it was our best ever. I judge how well Christmas goes by the amount of nasty angry Mom or girlfriend calls I pick up from irate customers wondering where their Christmas gifts wandered off to. This year was painless compared to previous years. Hats off to my team- our customer service was so good this year, all we could do was help rescue the Christmases of other shoppers who had the misfortune of ordering their stuff at some other really crappy competitors' web sites. I'll spare their names for you.

From a sales perspective, the holiday was a total bomb. 2006 was a joy ride compared to this. Sales were barely up over November, which is typically our slowest month of the year. We need to kick this downtrend and get back to business.

Highlights of the year include: my trip to Italy with Alpinestars and going to MOTOGP , hanging out "with" (in the same room) Schumacher, Stoner and Hayden at the Alpinestars camp. Having another kid, Luke. Quitting smoking.

Our New Year's resolutions include: make more money (we rarely do), take more time off, work less, ride more, spend less, eat less, drink less, love more, play more, save more. Take a vacation.

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