Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pacific Northwest Racetracks

If you ever find yourself in the Pacific Northwest and wanna hang at one of the track's, well here ya go......

"Port Angeles Speedway" is located just south of Port Angeles, which is located on the Northern tip of the peninsula approx. 2 hours Northwest of Seattle, the track is a speedway with great groups of corners on the inner track making it a blast to ride. The track has new asphalt and a very cool dirt section. The track doesn't get as much SM use as it should, so it would be good to call first If you are considering challenging the track. I like this track because of the fast dirt section

"Evergreen Speedway" is located in Monroe, WA which is located just over an hour North of Seattle, WA This track is a speedway similar to Port Angeles but has less of a dirt section and more of a inner track section....During the summer months this track is open for practice on Thursday nights depending on track activities...so again like all tracks its best to call prior to making the trip.... I like this track because of the sketchy half oval which really makes the bike feel wonderfully squirrley

"Pacific Raceways" or to some, Seattle Raceways, which has been around for a longtime. The track is located in Kent, WA which is 45 minutes SE of Seattle. This site is known for car racing as well sport bikes but most notable its drag racing strip. The track itself has a MX track beside it, but most importantly the home for a new double kart track. This track is slated to be complete in the next few months and they will announce the finish date on their site.
The plans are on the site and look to be world class so I personally can't wait till it opens....
So keep checking on the site as it will provide more information as they get closer to their expected opening date.

"Horn Rapids ORV Park" is a full on kart track located in sunny Richland, WA which is located South East of Seattle by approx. 3 hours. This track is located in a semi arid desert and would remind Southern Cali people of home......The operaters of this track don't get enough of the SM riders so they really will welcome your calls and participation at their location with great enthusiasm....This track is very fun and has a small dirt section for the purist's...
For summer riding take the fans cuz it gets hot....This track is fun for me as I really enjoy turn one being a Right hander and finishing downhill.

"Portland karting" is the official label of this track which is located in Mcminnville Oregon, located West of Portland by 45 minutes.....This track is really known as "Mac Track" which attracts alot of SM riders as well mini bikes and of coarse karts.... This track is a loose kart track with a nice flowing mid section and a fast straight stretch.....They have a very nice infield dirt section as well...This track has neibours so there is a noise restriction, so keep that in mind....
This track has a wonderful uphill right hander which really makes lighting up the back tire hard to resist, so If you are running a soft rear take another as you may need it.......woo hoo !

"Pat's Acre's" has been around for a looong time and has quite a history, so do some reading on the site as you will find it interesting ! This track is located South of Portland by 20 minutes and is located in the rural community of Canby OR...... This particular track is the most scenic of the group and is surrounded by water and farmland, but has neibours, so make sure you have a stock exhaust or a quiet tip.....This track is a tight kart track and really screams for you to drag peg...
the corners in some cases are banked like the Mac Track and considered to be a little slower, but flows really nicely with a dirt section that makes you feel like you are out in the middle of no where....me likey ! I'd say my favorite part of this track is a left hander which is a decreasing radius which taken at speed really tests the size of your...well you get the idea....I guess in a way similar to Mac Track's right hander.....

I ride mostly the two Oregon tracks as the other ones are usually set up for race's only, where the Oregon pair see guys show up for practice all the time, I would like to go to Richland more often as it's a fine kart track as well.....So as mentioned it's really important to call all tracks just to make sure they are allowing practice the particular day you wanna ride........The web sites also as you will see have schedules, so that makes life alot easier...
Kart track's up here pay attention to noise but they aren't out of control but pay more attention to the bylaws as they are situated in communities.....we are seeing more and more of our California brothers coming up with super ear shattering exhaust cans as most Cali tracks don't have noise issues to contend with......

Stay Hard on the Gas and be safe !! Brian

Monday, July 23, 2007

Moto GP 2007 Motostrano Recap

MotoGP at Laguna came and went, fast. What a great weekend: great racing, great weather, food, beer and people. A huge shout out to SCRAMP for ensuring that every one had a smooth and safe event as far the spectators go. Each year those folks get torn in a million directions as they try to please every one and get everything done in just a few days. The traffic seemed to go smooth and it sure helped that the weather was nothing like the 100+ temps of the 2006 GP.

A huge thanks to Markus and Donny from Alpinestars, as well as Leanard and AJ at AGV Helmets. These guys helped out our staff to no end putting hours and energy working directly with customers with product questions and sales. Without them we would have been so short staffed for this, it would have been unbearable. Thanks also to Scott Link and Gabriele Mazzarolo from Alpinestars and JH from AGV for working closely with us to make this happen.

For Motostrano- this was a special event. Each year we go and typically set up a 20x20 booth and cram as much product into one little space as possible. It gets hot, sweaty and crammed. This year our goal was to bring about the same amount of product as previous years, but inside double the booth space. It worked out great. With some help from our partners- Alpinestars and AGV Helmets we were able to have a more spread out shopping experience for MotoGP fans. From what we could see and what others were telling us, Motostrano had the most booth traffic at the event.

We brought about 30 leather suits, 60 jackets and a whole lot of gloves and footwear. On top of that we had a corner sectioned off just for AGV Helmets. The Rossi Replica lids were flowin' like spring water. The weekend is made that much easier on us as a vendor when we're selling products that people actually crave. For people coming from all parts of the globe, our booth is about the only place they can check out some these products, let alone buy them. Due to Motostrano's huge inventory, we heard so many folks saying "I've been looking all over for these".

This was also the first year we had to actually practice a little crowd control in the booth. The first day of the event we, I should say, former Motostrano employee Zoe Rem, spotted some mutherf&%ker slipping some Alpinestars GP Pro gloves in his backpack and that pretty much put us on Homeland Security Red Alert for the rest of the weekend - thanks, dick. So, when the booth got slammed, the entrance shut down. This ended up being kind of cool, as it created a line out the entrance and gave our booth a little bit of exclusivity. It also just made it more livable for every one inside.

Inside the Motostrano booth, visitors were greeted with a complete selection of Alpinestars products. We had the Alpinestars Pit Shoes- which have been back ordered for ever. We had the low cut riding shoes like the SMX-1 Boots, Octane Boots and One on One Boots. We also had a full selection of the Alpinestars Bionic Jackets and Back protectors. Just about every Alpinestars jacket from the 2006 and 2007 line-ups were on hand, as were a full rack of Alpinestars Gloves.

On the AGV side, we had the most rare and limited AGV Rossi helmets available today on hand ready to buy. For Rossi fans, our booth was the spot. 6 kinds of limited Rossi helmets to buy and collect.

At the end of the day, our crew got to unwind at our rented house in Seaside, just outside downtown Monterrey. Each year, accommodations are a major problem for anyone going to the races, so we try to get our crew into one rented house for the weekend. This year was the first time we stayed so close to the track. Our place had a great view of the Monterrey Bay and an awesome backyard to enjoy it with. .

I have to thank our staff: Paul Giani (Commander Paul for the weekend), Joe E, Jimmy James McCarthy, Aliya, Linda, Crystal and Mr. Tai for all the sweat equity invested this weekend. And of course, thanks to me. Thank you me.

Each year we tend to offer customers a new deal for their experience of Motostrano and Alpinestars at MotoGP. Plans for next year are already in the works. We hope to see you there!

Joe W.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Motostrano Open House Re-Cap

Thanks to the few hundred some-odd customers that made it to our Annual Pre-MotoGP Open House! Great turn out, great crowd on hand, great deals for you. Nothin' but good vibes, just I like I like it. A great accomplishment on our part- I thought - was seeing people actually camped out in their cars sleeping before we opened for the day.

See you at MotoGP and see you next year!

Here's a few pics from the day.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ok, sumthin new......Brian Who ??

Anytime someone invites you to contribute to a site like this, its always a privilege for me, especially when it has to do with SM bikes..........So here I am .......I will be writing articles for this site, and before I do I thought it fitting to talk about myself a little bit so all can understand my background and what I'm about for future readings.....
Almost three years ago I got the urge on my 43rd birthday to buy a motorcycle .... Hmmmm my first bike...what to buy ??? so much to choose from...until I saw a MZ Baghira SM street bike... that's it !...gotta have it ! So I bought her....cool bike...got it lowered and re-jetted with a big gnarly M-4 exhaust system and I was straight.....First night I had the bike I was getting used to riding a motorcycle.....came down the back roads of my neighborhood and got on the main drag and continued down till I saw a red light and down shifted eventually grabbing front brake and getting tossed over the handle bars right in the middle of a busy intersection....Holy Shit !!!, what the hell happened ???.. after a friend came to get me and my brand new bike and trucked us back home I learned that the gent that put my bike together didn't tighten my front caliper, so it spun and locked up... So the dealership made good and I got the bike back after a week.
Rode the bike for 3 months after the initial crash and had huge fun.... A friend directed me onto a SM site (which I presently moderate) and met a couple local guys who invited me to watch a race...so I showed up and watched fast guys back it in goin into turn one...It was so awesome to me I couldn't stop thinking about SM racing.... Talked to a buddy who raced for 100 years and told him I wanna race SM bikes....he looked at me like I was nuts...so he picked out a race bike for me to buy... a 1998 KX 500 for 1800 ....we went to test ride the bike, well he did, as he has a MX 500 himself...I ended up buying the bike and converting it over in my garage to a full on SM racer.......I started racing on Kart tracks, MX tracks, Trail riding and one of my favorites was short track on rain tires.....Finally realized that the KX was really a light switch and was told in order to get faster I needed a 4 stroke. So I bought a new 550 Husaberg factory SM race bike....after that I decided that a 2006 KTM SX -F250 would be a great bike to add to the stable as I really need to learn MX , Flat track as well trail riding, I felt that riding on all different types of surfaces would help my game......So now I race 250 class, Vet Class and Open bore...... wished I never sold the KX 500, funnest bike I have ever rode...love that power.....
So without being too lengthy tooo late...!) I now presently race in Oregon and Washington State, and will be going to the last bigboy race in Cali as I qualified for nasmoto ....
I have a lot to learn.......but I'll say one thing....SM racing on a fast big bore is almost like.... Hmmmm , well ok , you get the Idea......My goal is to race until they put a diaper on me...or I start eating 50 Advil's a day and sit in the hot tub drinkun scotches..lol...Juuust kiddin ...
I accepted the invitation to this site to help give back what other sites gave me...INFORMATION....and lots of it......I have a lot of fun experiences to write about and look forward to sharing some of my tales.......as well some of my mistakes..so we all can have a laugh and help grow the sport in which we all adore.....
My motto is: We are here for a good time not a long time and the older we all get the truer that statement becomes....and finally, I can't even begin to tell you how many friends I have made since I started......SM folks are very cool......
Stay hard on the gas and be safe ..... catcha soon !!

Later, Brian #30

2005 Honda CRF 450 Race Bike for Sale

John Tai, of JST Racing, Motostrano's Race Team manager, is selling one of the team's former race bikes. This is a full blown pro AMA race machine with a rebuilt Pinit motor, 17" race supermoto wheels, Leo Vince exhaust, Dunlop slicks, Motomater brake kit. Raced 3 races by our rider Travis Marks. The bike was actually formerly owned by Jake Zemke. John is asking $6000 for the bike. Call John at (650) 430-2846 or email him at john@motostrano.com

Motostrano 4.0

Having an Open House event at Motostrano is always fun. A few hundred of customers come to the store, many who we see only once a year, manufacturer reps stop by to help out. Good fun and a great sales day for us, at low prices. We do it every year and universally, we tend to re-make the store prior to the event, re-arranging inventory, stacking it, laying it out. This year's pre-Open House festivities have been no exception.

3 days before our open houses we tend to simply tear apart the current shop, pull out displays from nowhere , build new ones, throw out old ones and presto-chango- a new Motostrano. We do our best to make the place presentable, because it's been fidgeted with so many times all year long. It stays in this shape for just a few days and then the whole place gets gutted once more time day later right after our open house as we take a good chunk of our inventory down to Laguna Seca to participate in MotoGP or World Superbike, whatever the case may be. We've been doing it for 5 years now.

Here's some shots taken just today from the shop that we rebuilt.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pro Supermoto Racer Web Sites

Everyone has a web site. My 8 year old son has a web site. I have a web site. If I were a pro supermoto racer, I would definitely have a supermoto racer web site. My web site would be plastered with cool pics of me -a honey under each arm, race results, race reports, pictures of honies walking around the pits tryin to find my pits, big old logos of my sponsors and what they do and how cool they are. And it could even be crappy, like some slapped together rough thing that looked like I, a grease monkey racer guy dude that can barely type, even made it myself, without the help of some other racer-web-buddy on the side. That's even more cool than a polished one.

I'd drop the link to my web site in my email signature, so whenever I emailed my sponsors to let them know that I totaled another bike with all their parts on it and I need more stuff, they would easily be able to click to my supermoto racer web site and remember why they have to send me more parts. They'd see me there, with a giant crowd of spectators behind me, a TV camera, four or five photographers and umbrella girls in the back ground, Goodyear blimp floating in the sky, and me, jetting down the straightaway surrounded by Jeff Ward on one side and Cassidy Anderson on the other - and in the middle of it all, their big fat sticker smack on the side of my bike.

I'd stick my web site link on my posters that I handed out, I'd make stickers and put them on my bike and my helmet, on my pit tent. If I were a pro supermoto racer I would definitely have a web site.

After a quick scan of some of the top US and world Supermoto racers, however, I've so far only been able to come up with a handful of professional and dedicated (ie. that's all they do) Supermoto racers with web sites. I gotta say I was a little shocked, but you have to hand it to the techno savvy supermoto racers who got their shit down, even if the end product is a little rough. Here's a list:

Micky Dymond
Gerald Delepine
Jeff Ward
Mark Burkhart
Chris Fillmore
Scott Hoffman
Max Manzo
Cary Hart
Troy Lee
Gary Trachy
Brian Capper

(This is a short list and I'll try to update it as I come across others. If you know of any web sites run by Pro Supermoto racers, please feel free to suggest them in the comments below. )

Most of these sites haven't been updated in months. Granted, Troy Lee, Cary Hart, Scott Hoffman and Gary Trachy all combine their names with their businesses, they gotta do it up right.

Interestingly, Mark Burkhart's site is very up to date, with links to results for the most recent AMA events. Ward's site looks like it hasn't been touched since Yahoo went public. Manzo's site is the most high tech of all. Lots of flash, little Max cartoons, a chat board and other neat stuff.

My favorite has to be Micky Dymond's site, which is simply a MySpace page. It works, it's fresh, has music and best of all has links to Micky's friends like Heather D, Jocyland, Miss Supercross 2008 and other tasty individuals. And those photos of Micky's bike with the giant Motostrano M's on his fender are certainly a plus.

A racer web site can be really simply. Check out Delepine's former S1 World Champion. He's got geralddelepine.com and a snazzy little photo of himself, and that's it. you can't even click on anything. Dymond's MySpace idea is great because it pulls in all the social media of MySpace, has an easy to use interface for blogging, adding photos, music, or whatever. Updates are easy too.

A racer web site is like having a business card, or resume, only better. You can lose - or throw away - a card or resume, but if I as a fan, a sponsor, or other associate want to find you on the web all I should need to do is type your name + supermoto and you should be right there at the top.

If you as a racer don't have the time to put one together, talk your girlfriend or younger brother into it, or even your mom. Basically, a good web site always has a lot of love thrown into to it, so make sure who ever does it for you, really loves you. Seriously.

Your racer web site doesn't need to be updated constantly. You're not going to get thousands of readers to your web site a day. Some photos from the last few races, a biography, your race schedule, your sponsors and contact information is well enough. Expand on that with race reports, details about how you built your bike, what's on it, what gear you wear, why it's great, etc.. That's all you really need.

If I were a pro supermoto racer, I would definitely have a pro supermoto web site.

Motostrano Riders to Race at 2007 X Games

Supermoto Racer magazine announced the 20 riders chosen to race in the esteemed X Games Supermoto races for 2007. The yearly X Games series is an important race for World and American Supermoto, as top riders from S1, Canada, Australia and the US compete together at one large very populated spectator event. In fact, I'd have to say it's probably the largest spectator event for Supermoto in the world, given the onsite crounds and live coverage of the event worldwide.

We are very proud at Motostrano to see that 2 riders from our own sponsored team, Tyler Evans and Cary Hart will be racing, plus Motostrano sponsored rider Micky Dymond will be racing. Whoa! looks like our old friend Gerald Delepine (aka the Spiderman) from our Vertemati days will even show up.

1 Jeff Ward
2 Jeremy McGrath
3 Mark Burkhart
4 Chad Reed
5 Chris Fillmore
6 Troy Herfoss
7 Stephen Chambon
8 Cassidy Anderson
9 Brandon Currie
10 David Pingree
11 Ivan Lazarrini
12 Gerald Delepine
13 Mike Metzger
14 Tyler Evans
15 Carey Hart
16 Steve Drew
17 Micky Dymond
18 Benny Carlson
19 Eric Sorby
20 Darryl Atkins

X Games tracks have been historically very MX-leaning, so it will be interesting to see how Evans does at this track.

If you haven't made the trek down to see the X Games in person, we highly recommend it. If you can't make it, make sure to tune in to the boob tube to watch the races live.

Supermoto brings its wild style of racing to Abbotsford

Truckloads of clay brought in to make the track a tough test

Ted Davis, Special to The Sun

The official history of Supermoto racing, or "supermotard," traces the sport to a crazy, late '70s idea to test the top riders in motorcycle road racing against the best in the world of offroad racing -- basically tarmac vs. dirt. This weekend, the Vancouver Supermoto competition in Abbotsford will demonstrate what it takes for both motorcycle and rider to excel in this wild, two-wheeled hybrid form of racing.

The "Superbiker" series of the early '80s roughly paralleled IROC (International Race of Champions) as a four-wheeled equivalent in concept, whereby top drivers from different disciplines fought it out to determine all-around supremacy. And like IROC, Superbikers had its day in the sun as a ratings leader on ABC Wide World of Sport, but was dropped by the network by 1985.

But while the series faded away in North America, the concept stuck around in Europe and gathered momentum in France. The French dubbed their sport "supermotard," and developed it around offroad motorcycles that have been adapted for racing on both a twisting, paved road course, and on a hilly, jump-inducing motocross-style dirt track.

Street tires, or sticky racing slicks -- as opposed to offroad "knobbies" -- are the most obvious tip-off that a motocross bike has been altered for supermoto battle. But the changes extend to include smaller, 17-inch road bike rims to allow the use of the wider racing rubber; alterations to stiffen the suspension and to lower the bike's centre of gravity; and stronger brakes to cope with the higher racing speeds on tarmac.

Supermotos can be expected to reach top speeds of about 160 km/h on the paved sections, and the gearing may also be adjusted to benefit those velocities, through changes to the chain and sprocket.

Even rider gear has a hybrid make-up, as racers may don full road racing leathers, but wear motocross style helmets, goggles and boots.

A favourite starting point for a supermotard project is the Honda CRF450X, a light, single cylinder, four-stroke offroad enduro that adapts well to the supermoto job description, says Mark Hrehorsky, owner of Vancouver Supermoto Ltd.

Another solid choice is Honda's XR650R, as is the Yamaha WR 250 and 450, plus Kawasaki's KLX450. Even the massively powerful CR500 two-stroke was a popular choice about15 years ago, says Hrehorsky, whose business is based on building supermotos for both track and street riding.

But some manufacturers are now making purpose-built supermoto bikes. Given that the sport got its start in Europe, many of those supermotard thoroughbreds are being made by the likes of Aprilia (the SXV 450 and 550), KTM (with its monster 950 Supermoto), Ducati (the new Hypermotard 1100), and even BMW, which offers a supermoto wheel kit to change the HP2 Enduro to a Supermotard model.

Once supermoto started catching on in the U.S., Suzuki jumped into the fray with the excellent DR-Z400 SM. With its lower retail price, the DR-Z supermoto helped open the sport to more people -- some of whom compete with the bike at races, and others who just enjoy it as a great tool for urban guerrilla riding.

A good selection of both Japanese and European supermotard machinery can be expected to gather this Sunday, July 8 at the Abbotsford Tradex for round two of the Vancouver Supermoto Race series. It is the highlight race of the short West Coast series, in that it doubles as a qualifier for entry to the NASMOTO (North American Supermoto) race in Long Beach, Calif., dubbed the "Duel at the Docks."

"We have brought in 130 truckloads of clay to build the course," says series promoter Gaston Morrison. He has overseen the construction of the race course on the tarmac in front to the Tradex trade show hall, adjacent to the Abbotsford International Airport.

The course adheres to the basic supermoto course formula of 70 per cent paved race course and 30 per cent dirt track -- including motocross-style table top jumps.

"We couldn't have made this happen without the cooperation of Tradex," said Morrison, referring to the willingness of the operators to let the course stay standing in between races.

The series has three more rounds after Sunday's race. These are: July 28, Sept. 1 and Sept. 2, all at the Tradex course. Qualifying for the Sunday race will be staged on Saturday evening, and admission to the race itself is $10, including parking. (www.UnitedRPM.com).

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Alpinestars Race Replica Suit

Note- the 2008 alpinestars race replica suit is now available.

We had the great opportunity to see this suit 5 months ago before it was out. What a suit. Like we said, it got a complete redesign, as well as a complete price increase thanks to the all weakening dollar and general economic malaise.

Well worth a look, the 2008 Alpinestars Race Replica is the suit to own for 2008.

Every now and then a product is introduced to market that changes the paradigm, goes a little further than the rest, or just plain out paces the competition. The Alpinestars Race Replica Leather Suit is one of those products. Introduced three years ago to the US Market, the Race Rep Suit had been available in Europe for a year before that and before that time Alpinestars Race Development group had built the suits for their pro sponsored racers like Nicky Hayden and others.

To the layman or budget minded rider, the surface of this suit looks like any other. We're often asked what's the difference between the Alpinestars Race Replica and any other suit out there. What makes this item so special?

The Race Rep suit is hand made at one of Alpinestars' more technical manufacturing plants in Romania, unlike other models in the Alpinestars' suit line-up, most of which are manufactured in China. Each suit takes 1-2 days manual labor to construct and the amount of stitching and subtle details put into the suit are what boosts the retail price ($1899.00) of this item to consumers.

The Race Replica Suit is made of higher end and more subtle 1.2-1.4 mm leather than other suits in their range. Along with that, the Race Rep has more accordion stretch leather panels than any other suit we've seen on the market. This leather alone is very expensive to make right, ie. maintain its form with use and keep its thickness. The Race Rep suit is built to fit a rider in the 90 degree riders position, where other suits 75 degree and more vertical. This is a serious performance oriented race and track day suit that doesn't feel all that comfortable when you're off the bike. Legs and Arms are pre-bent.

The Race Replica is available in 4 different colors: Silver, Blue, Red, Green. We have to commend Alpinestars for offering this suit in Kawi green. That's one color you're going to be committed to.

One of the more unique features of the Race Replica is the schema of the race speed hump. Unlike any other leather race suit we know of, all of which use simple foam to keep the hump's structure, the speed hump on the Race Rep has air ducts that at speed will channel air down the riders back and legs - a huge plus if you happen to be a professional MOTO GP racer racing some where in the desert - and just as useful if you're a budding track day enthusiast on a hot humid day at Thunderhill. If you have watched recent MotoGP footage from the paddock, you may have seen the specially designed cooling system that mounts to the top of this speed hump that is designed to keep the rider cool when not on the bike waiting for the next race. Additionally, Alpinestars has designed an internal cooling unit for their pro riders that mounts in the hump as an internal fan. This same hump is being used by Alpinestars Safety Development team for their new AST Project which reads impact levels, acceleration and other data.

The suit comes with it's own Level 2 back protector. The Alpinstars Tech Race Back Protector is Alpinestars full race spine protector.

The Alpinestars Race Replica leather suit is also fully perforated, all along the torso and then down on to the legs, providing even more cooling features over other suits in the Alpinestars line-up.

On my recent trip that involved a stop at the Alpinestars Factory, I was able to get a glimpse of the 2008 version of the Race Replica suit. As with all things Alpinestars, their stuff is made so well, it's always hard to decide what's better the original product or the new and improved. The 2008 Race Replica suit looks to me to be paying homage to the expected domination of Alpinestars/Ducati MOTOGP Rider Casey Stoner. Great looking suit, smoother design to it. Same if not better features as the original Race Replica suit. This suit should be available in the USA in the Spring of 2008 if not late fall 2007.

When it comes right down to it, if you can afford it, or even if you can't, why not go with the best?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Motostrano at MotoGP Laguna Seca 2007

All customers are invited to visit the Motostrano booth at this year's Moto GP races at Luguna Seca July 20, 21, 22. This year we are doing a combined Alpinestars gear and AGV Helmet booth. We'll have tons of gear on hand to buy including jackets, suits, gloves, boots, pants, t-shirts, hats and more. Each year Motostrano staff work hard all weekend at these events. We enjoy meeting our existing and new customers at this event, as well as watching the races. At this event in particular we are able to meet customers who fly in from all over the world just to see this event. Please feel free to visit our store and meet our staff in person.

sUpEr mOtO fRiDaY nIGHT





Monday, July 2, 2007

Motostrano.com Warehouse Sale 14 July

Motostrano.com Warehouse Sale 14 July

Motostrano in Redwood City, California will be having it's annual Open House and Warehouse Sale Saturday the 14th of July, one week before MotoGP, from 10 am to 5 pm at our retail outlet in Redwood City, CA. Plan on it!

All friends are invited to attend. At the event you can expect to find enormous savings on the best sportbike motorcycle clothing brands in the business, plus blow-out pricing on MX Helmets and gear. Up to 40% off certain leather or textile jackets and racing suits, boots, gloves, helmets, sportswear, hats, back protectors and more. Motostrano sells Alpinestars, Suomy, Shift, Arai, AGV, Revit, ICON, Gaerne, Troy Lee Designs, Z1R, Thor and FOX.

Plus pay NO SALES TAX all day long. Enjoy our parking lot barbecue. Meet reps from Alpinestars, AGV, Suomy, Shift, Z1R and others. Plus you could win a free Suomy Vandal Helmet!

This event happens just once a year and folks ride in from all over the State for great savings. It's a great time for great savings. We'll see you there.

Visit our web site for directions and information about Motostrano.

Tel. 650-780-9306
Address: 926 Broadway St, Redwood City, CA