Friday, October 3, 2008

New Search Functions Launched at

Press Release

Redwood City, CA. launched a number of new search enhancements today, making it the first time an enhancement was done to the company's feature since 2005 when it experimented with Google Search.

Customers of fine motorcycle parts, accessories and apparel can now search and sort by Price, Name, Brand, Make, Category all at the same time. Users can also select from Grid or List view and sort by Relevancy, Price or name.

The new search features cost the company some extra dough to release, but even in these dire economic times, where every one is all serious and down hoping for CHANGE and not more of the same, Motostrano decided to surge ahead with a new technology, allowing past, present and future Motostrano customers easier access to the products they need to be a good motorcyclist.

"You can't blink," said CEO and serial entrepreneur Joe Witherspoon. "Customers were getting lost and not finding stuff with our old search box and when an opportunity arises to make improvements to your web site, even if those opportunities seem unproven, you have to look those opportunities in the face and go with them and that's what we did here by enhancing our search."

For a technology partner, Motostrano chose Celebros, a software company... or rather Celebros chose Motostrano and didn't let up until Witherspoon almost blinked and signed the deal.

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