Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Helmets from Icon & Scorpion

Though these two brands may not enjoy being in the same room together, both ICON and Scorpion put out some new helmets for 2009 that will stir the stagnant pot of 2008 and earlier helmets. ICON kicked off their product launch a few weeks ago with a long and gritty behind the scenes online videotizement bounced off their web site that is well worth a watch. Particularly hilarious is the honking chew loogy the guy drops on the scorpion bug in the first few seconds of the desert scene. 

ICON's 2009 graphics are great, especially if you happen to be a Buccaneer. The Jolly Roger waves mightily on the Crossbone helmet and there's a women's Hella Crossbones jacket to match. 

Since November 2008, Scorpion has been trying to keep up with the huge demand of their EXO 700 Neon helmet. Scorpion was literally caught off guard by the huge demand this helmet has enjoyed and this means you just can't get one without waiting for a lengthy back order. It is, without a doubt, the brightest most visible helmet you can own, short of strapping a disco ball to your head and roaming around with that. It should glow in the dark! Wow, there's an idea huh? A glow in the dark helmet, with a glow in the dark jacket to match. 

Even if you don't have a Hayabusa, the Hayabusa Airframe helmet looks cool. Based on the Airframe, it's part of a whole line of Suzuki ICON products available now. 

Our favorite two Scorpion helmets are the Predator and the Chameleon. The Predator graphics are very animalistic and aggressive, while the Chameleon's are dark and subtle. Very cool colors in each of them too. 

In the ICON line-up, the ICON Burn Baby Burn helmet unashamedly capitalizes on the eternal marriage of motorcycles and sex. This Airframe helmet displays a boysterous and bouncy cowgirl with giant tits bull riding a giant screw and really enjoying it. 

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