Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pacific Northwest Racetracks

If you ever find yourself in the Pacific Northwest and wanna hang at one of the track's, well here ya go......

"Port Angeles Speedway" is located just south of Port Angeles, which is located on the Northern tip of the peninsula approx. 2 hours Northwest of Seattle, the track is a speedway with great groups of corners on the inner track making it a blast to ride. The track has new asphalt and a very cool dirt section. The track doesn't get as much SM use as it should, so it would be good to call first If you are considering challenging the track. I like this track because of the fast dirt section

"Evergreen Speedway" is located in Monroe, WA which is located just over an hour North of Seattle, WA This track is a speedway similar to Port Angeles but has less of a dirt section and more of a inner track section....During the summer months this track is open for practice on Thursday nights depending on track activities...so again like all tracks its best to call prior to making the trip.... I like this track because of the sketchy half oval which really makes the bike feel wonderfully squirrley

"Pacific Raceways" or to some, Seattle Raceways, which has been around for a longtime. The track is located in Kent, WA which is 45 minutes SE of Seattle. This site is known for car racing as well sport bikes but most notable its drag racing strip. The track itself has a MX track beside it, but most importantly the home for a new double kart track. This track is slated to be complete in the next few months and they will announce the finish date on their site.
The plans are on the site and look to be world class so I personally can't wait till it opens....
So keep checking on the site as it will provide more information as they get closer to their expected opening date.

"Horn Rapids ORV Park" is a full on kart track located in sunny Richland, WA which is located South East of Seattle by approx. 3 hours. This track is located in a semi arid desert and would remind Southern Cali people of home......The operaters of this track don't get enough of the SM riders so they really will welcome your calls and participation at their location with great enthusiasm....This track is very fun and has a small dirt section for the purist's...
For summer riding take the fans cuz it gets hot....This track is fun for me as I really enjoy turn one being a Right hander and finishing downhill.

"Portland karting" is the official label of this track which is located in Mcminnville Oregon, located West of Portland by 45 minutes.....This track is really known as "Mac Track" which attracts alot of SM riders as well mini bikes and of coarse karts.... This track is a loose kart track with a nice flowing mid section and a fast straight stretch.....They have a very nice infield dirt section as well...This track has neibours so there is a noise restriction, so keep that in mind....
This track has a wonderful uphill right hander which really makes lighting up the back tire hard to resist, so If you are running a soft rear take another as you may need it.......woo hoo !

"Pat's Acre's" has been around for a looong time and has quite a history, so do some reading on the site as you will find it interesting ! This track is located South of Portland by 20 minutes and is located in the rural community of Canby OR...... This particular track is the most scenic of the group and is surrounded by water and farmland, but has neibours, so make sure you have a stock exhaust or a quiet tip.....This track is a tight kart track and really screams for you to drag peg...
the corners in some cases are banked like the Mac Track and considered to be a little slower, but flows really nicely with a dirt section that makes you feel like you are out in the middle of no where....me likey ! I'd say my favorite part of this track is a left hander which is a decreasing radius which taken at speed really tests the size of your...well you get the idea....I guess in a way similar to Mac Track's right hander.....

I ride mostly the two Oregon tracks as the other ones are usually set up for race's only, where the Oregon pair see guys show up for practice all the time, I would like to go to Richland more often as it's a fine kart track as well.....So as mentioned it's really important to call all tracks just to make sure they are allowing practice the particular day you wanna ride........The web sites also as you will see have schedules, so that makes life alot easier...
Kart track's up here pay attention to noise but they aren't out of control but pay more attention to the bylaws as they are situated in communities.....we are seeing more and more of our California brothers coming up with super ear shattering exhaust cans as most Cali tracks don't have noise issues to contend with......

Stay Hard on the Gas and be safe !! Brian

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